Welcome to Class 18!
Today's workout is MOBILITY!
35 Moves for 35 Mins, 1 Min each: No Warmup needed
Wide stance shoulder mobility with hinge and scoop
Two handed behind the head pink thing lat stretch
Banded tricep stretch (30s right/30s left)
Standing narrow grip on pink thing front line stretch
Hinged cat cow with pink thing under feet
On Mat
Quadreped tail wag with elevated active foot (R/L)
Downward dog to bear hover release
Downward dog with leg extension (R/L)
Low lunge with rotation (R/L)
Frog stretch
Side lying lat reaches - L
Side lying IT band stretch L
Side lying lat reaches - R
Side lying IT band stretch - R
Seated butterfly stretch
Seated single leg flexsion/extension (with non working leg tucked) - R
Seated single leg flexsion/extension (with non working leg tucked) - R
Legs extended seated forward bend
Seated spinal rotation (R/L)
Wide seated forward bend
Dynamic legs 90/90
Yogi push up
Scapula push up
Lying bridge with knee hug - R
Deep squat mobility (back and forth and side to side)
Squat with internal rotation
Standing (or lying and banded) hip flexor marches - R
Standing (or lying and banded) hip flexor marches - L
Knee hug while single leg glute bridging - R / L
Side plank - R/L
Calf stretch (internal/straight/external) - R
Calf stretch (internal/straight/external) L
Dynamic overheard squat
Standing hip circles (feet together)
Forward folds
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